Python Projects

Samples demonstrate my ability to develop logically structured object-oriented software solutions.

  • Subset Sum

    Technology used: Python
    My Contribution: Solo (Class Project)

    Created a function that solve a subset sum problem for any list of integers and a predetermined total. Am able to use to find the optimal combination of integers from a given list to either get close to or hit a total. Could be used to select the optimal combination of packages of different weights to hit a max weight or find a combination of songs that to fill a predetermined runtime.

  • Binary Search Tree Deletion

    Technology used: Python
    My Contribution: Solo (Class Project)

    Code that lazy-deletes and hard deletes nodes in Binary Search Tree. Traverses tree and when searching for particular node, is able to differentiate between not deleted, lazy-deleted and hard deleted nodes.

  • Maze Solution Visualizer

    Technology used: Python
    My Contribution: Solo (Class Project)

    The exercise was to come up with a function that travels through a maze built from lists and add edges to the coordinates.

    It would then be fed into a Dijkstra function what found the shortest path. Then I needed to get the coordinates from the shortest path so I could print the shortest path in the maze but also print the solution, a list of coordinates.