Technology used: Python

My Contribution: Solo (Class Project)

Created a function that solve a subset sum problem for any list of integers and a predetermined total. Am able to use to find the optimal combination of integers from a given list to either get close to or hit a total. Could be used to select the optimal combination of packages of different weights to hit a max weight or find a combination of songs that to fill a predetermined runtime.

What was challenging

working out the algorithm and the order in which the different calculstions should happen.

What I learned

Although the example was just an array of integers and a target number, I realized the many uses for subset sum set up.

def main():

# Integer specific
# target = 200
target = 147
# target = 19
data_set = [20, 12, 22, 15, 25, 19, 29, 18, 11, 13, 17]

choices = []
empty_sublist = Sublist(data_set)

# Loop over data_set
for number in data_set:

    # Take snapshot of choices
    choice_snapshot = list(choices)

    # Loop over choice_snapshot
    for obj in choice_snapshot:

        # Run add_item with index of current numbers index
        returned_list_obj = obj.add_item(data_set.index(number))

        # Print if sum == target
        if returned_list_obj.sum == target:


        # If new sum is smaller than target
        if returned_list_obj.sum < target:

            # Add returned list to choices

    # If no combination equals result, print max
    if data_set.index(number) == data_set.index(data_set[-1]):
        max_obj = max(choices, key=attrgetter('sum'))