Technology used: Python, Django, CSS/Bootstrap, HTML

My Contribution: Solo

GitHub Link:

Nutrition Calculator

With many diets, it feels like you don’t eat enough, don’t get enough of a variety to cover your daily needed nutrients intake. This app keeps tabs on how much you’ve consumed in a day as well as totalling essential nutrients.

The app gives you the ability to add new foods, delete a food if you decided to put that cupcake back :), lists monthly as well as daily consumption plus gives the user the ability to change daily food and nutients targets.

What was challenging

Getting the consumption forms to work adding up the nutrients adding the values vs counting the numbers. Adding multiple forms to one page, so that only submitted information from the relevant form is submitted and nothing is submitted twice.

sum_of_potassium = FoodInstance.objects.filter(consumed__lte=today_end, 
consumed__gte=today_start).aggregate(Sum('food__potassium')).get('food__potassium__sum', 0.00)

num_bread = FoodInstance.objects.filter(food__kind__exact='b').filter(consumed__lte=today_end, 

# Maximum intake intances
intake_instances = DailyIntake.objects.all()

# Forms
bread_form = ConsumeBreadForm(request.POST or None)
if request.method == 'POST':

   elif 'consume_bread' in request.POST:
        if bread_form.is_valid():
            return redirect('index')