Django / Web Projects

  • Diet and Nutrients Counter App

    Nutrition Calculator

    Technology used: Python, Django, CSS/Bootstrap, HTML
    My Contribution: Solo

    With many diets, it feels like you don’t eat enough, don’t get enough of a variety to cover your daily needed nutrients intake. This app keeps tabs on how much you’ve consumed in a day as well as totalling essential nutrients.

  • Django Website

    HOA Tool Sharing Dashboard

    Technology used: Django, HTML, CSS
    My Contribution: solo

    Created a Neighborhood and Tool Sharing site using Django’s tools to create a skeleton website and application. Create models to represent the application’s different data. Use the Django admin site to populate your site’s data. Create views to retrieve specific data in response to different requests, and templates to render the data as HTML to be displayed in the browser. Create mappers to associate different URL patterns with specific views. Add user authorization and sessions to control site behavior and access. And work with forms.

  • Gatsby Website

    screenshot of website

    Technology used: HTML, Gatsby
    My Contribution: Solo

    Working with Gatsby enables me to look at content as data as well as working with static pages. The best of both worlds.

  • Responsive Webpage

    shot of responsive page

    Technology used: HTML, CSS
    My Contribution: Solo

    Using media queries to create a tailored experience for the user. with fluid grids that rearrange themselves to fit the size of the screen or browser window with flexible visuals that look great regardless of the medium’s size or shape. A responsive web design example.